Expecting the unexpected.

The last ten days have been a bit of a roller-coaster. The passing of WH’s Grandma, influx of interstate relatives and funeral were the focus of this weeks energy. The strategies I have in place (frozen meals, cleaner and emergency takeaway phone numbers) were all relied upon to make this week go as smoothly as possible.

So it is  a short post today, as I sit with a coffee and ruminate on the week past (while avoiding washing the sheets and towels). I am so thankful for my wonderful family and extended family/friends (you know who you are), for their understanding, support and wishes (this week especially).

This week is planned to be a busy one, catching up on the work I ignored last week and starting to get sorted for Christmas. I have my Christmas cards organised, printed and ready to pop in envelopes and send (BIG thanks to Maria at http://daisydesigns.com.au/  for clear, easy, quick and friendly service), and so hope to get them sent this week. Then it’s the weekly juggle of work and study and LT’s school and sports. I am really hoping I can get to see him at swimming this week when he goes with school, he only has 2 weeks of swimming classes left and I am eager to see what he has learned.

Right, now on to deflating beds and getting that washing out!

Fiona T


Past Posts

November 2011