A story about Twitter

Over the last few weeks I have been trying to use twitter more for my study. I attended a #phdchat on Wednesday run by thesiswhisperer and friends.  It was great to find out what works (and doesn’t work) for other students at varying stages of their PhD. In the hour I found out about a number of tricks and tools that could help me be more effective in my short bursts of writing time, including the pomodoro (essentially writing in 25 minute blocks).  I also, of course, talked about Evernote as my app of choice for organising my work, study and home life.

This is where the story gets more interesting; the next day a colleague from work was tweeting to me about ‘easyportfolio app’ as another option to Evernote, another person in the ‘twitterscape’ saw our conversation and gave a couple of links related to some of the higher features of Evernote.  I will link these blog posts here and thank Dave Ferguson, for drawing my attention to ways of using tags and checkboxes to further exploit the true capabilities of Evernote. This week I hope to sit down with these blog posts from Rudd Hein and play with Evernote to get even more out of this tool.

Blog post 1: Sorting for Checkboxes and to do lists

Blog post 2: Culling and Organising older notes

Once again Social Media is helping to make life a little easier, and quite honestly I don’t think I would have had time to search further for these blogs, as I am quite happy already with Evernote and the time it saves me. I really feel that using Twitter this week has been a bonus! So thanks #phdchat and helpful people on Twitter, it’s great to be a part of the conversation.

Do you have a story of how Social Media has given you a bonus, or perhaps allowed an opportunity you wouldn’t have had otherwise? Please share it below as a comment, or perhaps on the Facebook page.

Until next week

Fiona T

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May 2024